Signtronix software led2
Signtronix software led2

signtronix software led2

Ethernet port multiplication using VLAN tagging or tail tagging.Support for multi-homed hosts (multiple IPv4 addresses per interface).Support for virtual interfaces (multiple MAC addresses per physical interface).IP fragmentation and reassembly support.Well-crafted TCP module with selective acknowledgement (SACK) and congestion control.

signtronix software led2

Efficient data transfer through zero copy.Blocking/non-blocking socket operation and event-driven functions (select and poll).Debugging and trace functionality to ease development and integration.Portable architecture (no processor dependencies).Configurable memory model (static memory pool or heap memory allocation).Flexible memory footprint (built-time configuration to embed only the necessary features).

signtronix software led2

  • Built-in support for multiple network interfaces.
  • CycloneTCP is available either as open source (GPLv2, Evaluation) or under a royalty-free commercial license. The stack is distributed as a full ANSI C and highly maintainable source code. By supporting IPv6, CycloneTCP eases deployment of next-generation Internet. CycloneTCP conforms to RFC standards and offers seamless interoperability with existing TCP/IP systems. CycloneTCP is a dual IPv4/IPv6 stack dedicated to embedded applications.

    Signtronix software led2